Sunday, August 5, 2012

Case 1
Case 2

case 3a
Case 1:
Patient 46/M visited the clinic with a complain of pain,sensitivity and bad breath.
On examination it was observed that he had severe generalized attrition,generalized recession,sinus opening in the region 46,halitosis,plaque and calculus,cervical attrition.
Patient was a chronic smokeless tobacco and pan masala chewer.
case 3b

Case 2:
The patient 30/M visited the clinic with severe pain in his 27,28 region in the mouth.
On observation it was found that there was severe recession of the gingiva,and exposure of the root in 28 which was tender but the pain was not relieved by any medication while heat and cold aggravated the pain.
The patient had no history of any habits .

Case 3:
The patient 57/M visited the clinic for cleaning of his teeth,he complained of no pain or sensitivity but bad odor from his mouth.Both the arches had edentulous spaces and a fixed prosthesis from 13 to 23.
On examination it was seen to have a generalized attrition and abrasions with wear facets.
Buccal mucosa had leaukoplakia and hyper keratinized areas was also observed in the alveolar ridge area in the 36 to 38 region.
Patient had a history of pan masala and is a chronic smoker since last 20 years. The patient has a denture but refuses to wear due to discomfort.